西安旅游攻略3日游英语,西安旅游攻略 英文
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Xian is the connecting point between the western Region of China and the Middle Region of China both geographically and socially. She is the gateway and communication axis for western provinces. Xian isthe biggest central city in the second European-Asia Continental Bridge-LongHai and LanXin Road, its economic strategic importance is naturally indicated. Because of its geographic and historic priority, Xian has become the number one commodise distribution center and goods exchange place in the whole Northwest Region of China. Besides, the rich historical culture treasure and advance arts and science resources have helped Xian seats top of the Six Ancient Capitals in China, as well as one of the four World Ancient Civilization Capitals.
Xian is the largest commercial and trade-hub, as well as the largest material distribution center in theMid-Western Region of northern China. As shown in a report in 1998, there are more than 100,000 commercial service networks, 435 consumption markets, and 485 various types of wholesale markets, and nearly 1,000 wholesale agencies.
Through fifty years development, Xian has already set up sordidindustry basement in certain areas. Aviation, aerospace, electronics, machinery, communications, instruments and meters, and electric power are typical industry in Xian. In some of these areas, the industries in Xian has not only reached the top level in China, but also has equaled to the world advance level.
Xian has formed a transportation network of air routes, railways and highways. Xian Civil Airline Service has opened 95 domestic airlines to 44 cities, two international airlines to Nagoya and Hiroshima in Japan and regio nal airlines to Hongkong and Marco. It also has opened direct lines to Okinawa and Fukuoka in Japan and Jidda in Saudi Arabia. Highways, first and second grade highways, as well as the under-construction first-grade highways and express ways continually increase the transportation capability of Xian. Post and Telecommunication also grow rapidly in Xian. Xian has opened direct dialing services to more than 190 foreign countries and regions and 900 Chinese cities and country towns. EMS has expanded to 94 countries and near 2,000 Chinese cities.
行前小 Tips: 住宿命指南:住在地铁沿线都是很方便的可以选择钟楼、鼓楼,回民街、大雁塔附近,都很方便~住宿选择建议多参考评论,不要光看网图~
西安的特色小吃:Biangbiang 面、葫芦鸡、葫芦头、泡馍、小炒、包子凉皮、肉夹馍~
看长恨歌,提前定好演出票和返程车票购,推荐中B区的座位,那里观感很赞 大唐芙蓉园建议下午去,天黑看完夜景再出来 大唐不夜城,建议要晚上去~
雁塔区:陕西历史博物馆/大唐不夜城/大唐芙蓉园/大雁塔/大悦城 碑林区:钟楼/鼓楼/西安城墙/碑林博物馆/书院门 莲湖区:回民街/高家大院/酒金桥/广仁寺 其他地区:华山/黄帝陵/壶口瀑布/茂陵景区~
西安经典旅游路线 day1:全国各地,到达西安,西安接站,入住酒店 day2:游玩大雁塔广场-慈恩寺/大雁塔一世界第八大奇迹”秦始皇兵马俑兵马俑一大唐不夜城 day3:西安城墙/明城墙一中国有名的五岳之一华山 day4:大秦仿俑文创馆民街一返程西安的景点很大,第一次去可以报个靠谱的当地团,全程有交通安排,就不会那么费腿,住的也包含了,相对来说还是比较实惠的?
I'm very happy that we visited Xi'an.We enjoy those days
in Xi'an very much.Xi'an is a great city,it has long history and great
views.We went to the Xi'an museum,and the great two towers.I also saw
the great ancient soldiers,and a lot of wonderful things.Xi'an also has
clean and wide streets,high buildings and a lot of good food.I love the
noodles!Xi'an is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit it.I also
saw many foreign visitors,they' were all very interested in Xi'an.I was
so proud about xi'an,and our great country.